New: Necromancers Lair Generator

Rectangular image of a weathered leather textured background with the words "Necromancers Lair Generator" over it in a light purple, old fashioned, font

Necromancers are probably one of the most classic baddies in tabletop roleplaying games and general fantasy media alike. It’s not hard to see why either, people disturbing the peace of the dead for their own gain activates a deep sense of wrong for most.

If you, as a GM or writer, want to tap in to that sense of disquiet by adding a necromancer to your game then this is the perfect publication for you. In this PDF you will find everything that you need to create the basic characteristics of a necromancer's lair as well as trinkets, magic objects, and unsettling undead to fill it with!

It includes: 

  • 1 table to help determine the location of the lair

  • 4 tables to detailing the physical characteristics of the lair

  • 25 notable and unusual undead

  • 20 decorations

  • 30 mundane trinkets

  • 25 magical trinkets

  • 50 magical book titles

Ready to get your copy? Grab it on our website right here or on DriveThruRpg here


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