Moon and Stars Organza Dice Bag


These delicate organza dice bags covered in foiled moons and stars are a great way to store and display your dice at the same time.

Each bag measures 13x18cm (5.2x7in) and can comfortably upwards of eight sets of dice.

Do keep in mind though that organza is not a particularly strong material and bags should be treated with care.

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These delicate organza dice bags covered in foiled moons and stars are a great way to store and display your dice at the same time.

Each bag measures 13x18cm (5.2x7in) and can comfortably upwards of eight sets of dice.

Do keep in mind though that organza is not a particularly strong material and bags should be treated with care.

These delicate organza dice bags covered in foiled moons and stars are a great way to store and display your dice at the same time.

Each bag measures 13x18cm (5.2x7in) and can comfortably upwards of eight sets of dice.

Do keep in mind though that organza is not a particularly strong material and bags should be treated with care.